How much exercise is too much?

How much exercise is too much?

This is the question which is on everyone’s lips……… How much exercise should I be doing? 3-5 hours a week of moderate intensity or 1-2 hours high intensity (or a mixture) is typically recommended. Signs of Over Training / Exercising • Muscle soreness…

 Knee pain, why do we get it?

Knee pain, why do we get it?

Knee pain can be very debilitating and cause much distress. It can affect so many of the normal day to day activities that you would naturally take for granted. Getting in and out of bed, standing up, sitting down, walking,…

 The 101 of Alcohol

The 101 of Alcohol

Let’s talk alcohol and the basic knowledge of alcoholic beverages and the effects it has on your body. Be AwareMake a note and calculate the calories of any alcoholic drinks that you consume in a typical week. You could easily be…

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